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You have never heard anything like Vectorscan and there will never be anything like Vectorscan ever again. I promise you that.

Undergound Buzz

A couple of years ago, a groove metal band from the Los Angeles area named Soulbleed got a hold of my blog and asked...

Latest News

Two masks for the price of one!

Around the Interwebs

Metal Injection has previously documented the various and sundry heavy covers of Game of Thrones's opening theme song. HBO's massive hit is easily the...


Hammer of the Witch brutalizes a message of extreme measure, driving home the ethos of Ringworm's hometown, Cleveland, a better dead than dying philosophy.

Marketing Genius

The group is crowdfunding a DVD looking back at the history of the band and all its members.

Music Videos

Five Finger Death Punch love covering the classics, previously covering "Bad Company" and this time tackling Animals' "House of the Rising Sun" co-directed by band...

Open Metacast

My least favorite "holiday" of the year is when Daylight Savings Time happens. For no apparent reason most of the known world decides to...

Latest News

Machine Head have been in the news a lot lately for both good and bad reasons: Good being they're releasing a demo of a...


It's a simple case of discrimination

Shocking Revelations

How weird must it be to be a friend of Lostprophets vocalist Ian Watkins? You think you know somebody and then they admit to...

Weekly Injection

We're officially hitting the bottom of the barrel with releases folks. This week we have one cool record, a live album, a covers EP,...


Tres Cabrones is the second Melvins album in five months, and like its predecessor, Everybody Loves Sausages, there is a bit of stunting involved here. Whereas Sausages focused on a...


Weekend Nachos are dropping Still on November 11 via Relapse Records, but waiting is for suckers. Especially when it's a Tuesday and life is...

Weekly Injection

I know that this video is old as fuck, but it was recently reintroduced into my life and I can't stop showing it to...


Machine Head are currently celebrating the tenth anniversary of their album Through the Ashes of Empires and frontman Rob Flynn has dedicated a series...

Upcoming Releases

Ghost (Ghost B.C., whatever) saw some major success with their newest record Infestissumam, but they're not done with us for the year. The band...

Shocking Revelations

Iron Maiden's Bruce Dickinson is a man of many talents. He flies planes, picks up stranded passengers, creates jobs, and is a doctor ferchristsakes!  But...


Týr have long ago laid claim to their seat in the folk metal genre. In the eleven years since How Far to Asgaard, they...

Video Games

Periphery's Misha Mansoor, Joe Satriani, Arch Enemy's Michael Ammot & Angela Gassow, Andrew WK and Wayne Static aren't just heavy metal heroes, they're now playable characters in...

Shocking Revelations

Black Sabbath is riding the wave of success as their album, 13 debuted at #1 in many countries, including US and UK and this...