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"... A lot of thinking, a lot of moving parts you have to deal with..."


The "funeral" was to promote a new Killswitch Engage album.


One cover may have even surpassed the original.

This Is Just A Tribute

Harvey played in Goatwhore between 2009 and 2017.

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Courtney LaPlante also explains her writing process.


"'The Age of the Offended' is Cadaver right up in your grill."

Music Videos

Industrial Puke is now streaming their new music video for "Hell Is In Hello" from their recent, skull-crushing debut album Born Into The Twisting...

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"I like serious, scary… whenever I watch a band, I want to feel intimidated."

Show Recap

Not even the elements could rain on this heavily-inked parade.

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"'Post Traumatic Blues' is my attempt to describe for people what it's like to deal with PTSD."


"Oxbow is here to provide a reprieve from the ordinary and the mundane. Worth checking out."


Long live the black metallics arts; death to stereotypes.

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First and foremost, it's a great way to test the waters for a new audience.

Music Videos

Swedish masters of melodic groove metal Orbit Culture is back with a new single "From The Inside" and a new record Descent due out...


The legend is back with yet another imagination-defying wonder!