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Best of 2014

Enjoy my list and I hope you find at least one new record you love. These are the 15 songs that made me smile,...

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I think they retroactive wrote It Hates You about this particular scenario.

Upcoming Releases

Late contender for one of the best damn releases this year? Quite possibly.


Stoner doom bliss!

Weekly Injection

You ever just have one of those moments where you can't stop listening to "One Week," by The Barenaked Ladies? That's what I'm going...


…and more 30th anniversary "Ride the Lightning" links


We're halfway through 2014 already and it's been pretty crazy in terms of good releases so far. Here's some of our favorites!


Emerging out of the rough-edged husk of lineup changes and label unrest - including a six year gap (2003-2009) between releases - is a...


Crawling out of a graveyard in typically un-satanic North Carolina, Bloody Hammers are full-on horror rock with the eerie glam of Marilyn Manson and...

Weekly Injection

I'm always going on about how much the diversity in this genre amazes me. Well, diversity is at an all-time high this week. This week's...

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Charlie Gallagher who had the best zinger: Curl of the Purrl Last week's photo was shot...


I don't get it either, but the song is good enough for us to ignore the title.


It's everything you ever wanted out of punk with a swift kick in the teeth.


Blame the internet if you’re a purist, but black metal has falling into music genres like mad for a long ass time now. You...


Death metal has morphed and grown a lot over the past thirty or so years, with plenty of bands trying to push the envelope...

Weekly Injection

Following a slow week, we're being hit with a near over abundance of solid records. In this edition we have tech-death legends, a Human...


If you happened to have listened to Avenged Sevenfold's Hail To The King, you might notice some familiarties between the tracks on the album, and...

Upcoming Releases

The hype for Sepultura's next album has died down a bit in the last few weeks, I'm assuming since the band is done recording, but...


Sometimes, there’s an album that takes hold of you from the very first playthrough. It could be an album you have been waiting to...


With the release of their seventh full-length album looming on the horizon, Tyr reveals a second track from Valkyrja. Tyr have revealed this racy...


Soilwork are getting ready to rip your face off with a new tour and a new double album, The Living Infinite which comes out...

Show Recap

One of the valuable lessons you’d hope one might learn by traveling frequently is “never trust the weather” – especially in a climate so...