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Latest News

After Ozzy had a relapse in his sobriety, Sharon says he's finally back on the straight and narrow. Not that anything could kill that...

Open Metacast

There's an old saying in electronics that refers to releasing the magic smoke whenever you do something to fry a piece of hardware. Well,...

Shocking Revelations

Dave Mustaine is in Megadeth. Jason Newsted is in…well, Newsted. So why in the hell are we talking about them jamming on an old...


Seth's The Howling Spirit boils down to well-written black metal without succumbing to the reverb-laden hallmarks and constant minor-chord bombardments that black metal so...

Upcoming Releases

New death metal from Carcass is so close, I can smell it! Today, the band they have signed with Nuclear Blast Records for a...

Bummer Alert

It's been a while since we've had a concrete update on new material from System Of A Down. They haven't released new material since...

RIP a Livecast

We kicked off the episode in full "Darrinsky" mode, and that lasted throughout the episode leading to many laughs. We discussed the most recent...

Around the Interwebs

Well this is fun. Andreas Kisser made an appearance on a children's show in Brazil called "Cocoricó." The entire conversation is in Portuguese, so...


Full disclosure: I loved Korn all the way up until college, then I discovered Slayer. It was a glorious time. The band lost me...

Tour Dates

Well, you knew this was coming. With As I Lay Dying frontman, Tim Lambesis being held in a San Diego jail facing charges of...

Open Metacast

Ugh. It's full-bore allergy season here, and apparently everything is being marked for death by my body. So to celebrate (?) we've lined up...

RIP a Livecast

The Livecast was back at four, and joined by special guest host Monica as we discussed the week's news stories. We spent the first...

Upcoming Releases

FINALLY, we'll get some Cynic to enjoy this year.


Go away Westboro Baptist Church, nobody likes you…and you are really just asking for it at this point.

RIP a Livecast

Sid couldn't make it to this Cinco De Mayo edition of the RIP a Livecast, but the treturous three made it through. Noa's voice...

Bummer Alert

The metal world is still shocked about the news that broke yesterday that Slayer guitarist Jeff Hanneman of Slayer passed away due to liver...

Latest News

Just let that sink in for a second- three big metal guys are on a song dedicated to Nelson Mandela (and Lucky Dube), which...

Open Metacast

Finishing up this episode while recovering from the amazing convention known as Penguicon which happened this weekend. One of the highlights was one of...

RIP a Livecast

The conversation kicks off on a brown note, with an expanded conversation about bidets and bathroom usage in general. The conversation moves onto prostate...

Latest News

Corrections House (Neurosis, Eyehategod, Nachtmystium and Yakuza) debut their new video for "Grin With A Purpose." It's… well, it's something.

RIP a Livecast

This week's episode kicks off with talks of the Boston bombing and the reporting fallout from the tragic event. We discuss Uncle Ruslan and...

Latest News

Last Saturday, April 13, we lost a great bass player and awesome guy, Deftones' own Chi Cheng. Go hang with his family in Stockton,...

Open Metacast

Tax season is over (is that why my wallet feels lighter? Must be a new weight loss program.) Hopefully this season was kind to...