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METAL Injection

We have begun posting clips from MARYLAND DEATHFEST V. All week long, we will posting a ton of clips from last year's br00tal death...


It's no secret how much we love LAMB OF GOD here at Metal Injection. That's why we're really psyched to check out this new...

METAL Injection

Welcome to the all new METAL Injection mega experience. What you are looking at is the culmination of approximately a year's worth of work,...


There isn't much that we can say about this band that hasn't already been said. Having sold over 100 million albums worldwide without any...

METAL Injection

An all new episode of Metal Injection's new weekly videocast, THE FIX has been posted online hosted by one half of the Moscow Metal...

Back in the Day

Back in 1993 England's Paradise Lost already had 3 full length records under their belt, along with a noble title as co-creator's of the...

Latest News

> Metal Kult has been posting a bunch of awesome videos from a recent Brooklyn performance by MASTODON. > ARSIS posted 2 new songs,...

Back in the Day

Back in 1994, Swedish metal band Grave put out this happy little jam titled "Soulless" If you're anything like me, then you probably began...

METAL Injection

It's back! METAL Injection's weekly videocast has returned! Now titled THE FIX, we will bring you weekly episodes featuring the best music videos anywhere,...

Latest News

> An e-card for STRAPPING YOUNG LAD side project ZIMMERS HOLE has hit the intarwebs. Released in support of When You Were Shouting At...

Latest News

> Headbanger's Blog has posted a preview and the premiere of the new 3 Inches of Blood video. > AVENGED SEVENFOLD posted a new/old...

Latest News

Earache has a habit of reheating and re-serving old platters, and iCrusher Complete is no exception.  It collects two DVD samplers, iCrusher 1 and...


IN FLAMES has posted the new video for "The Mirror's Truth," the first single off their upcoming album "A Sense of Purpose. Due on...

Latest News

GENGHIS TRON has provided Guitar World Magazine’s new metal blog – MetalKult.com with exclusive video footage of the band in the studio working on...

tr00 and False

It’s hard to be tr00. In this new Metal Injection feature, every week, the editors of MetalSucks.net, Axl Rosenberg and Vince Neilstein, will dissect...


HEAVEN SHALL BURN return with an awesome video for the track "Endzeit" off their new album Iconoclast, which is in stores now. Typical shaky-cam...

tr00 and False

It’s hard to be tr00. In this new Metal Injection feature, every week, the editors of MetalSucks.net, Axl Rosenberg and Vince Neilstein, will dissect...


Vader are fond of exclamation points.  This EP, originally available during 2007's Death by Decibels tour, has songs titled "Lead Us!!!" and "Die!!!".  They...


Below is the 2nd edition of Crustcake Presents. Every week, renowned music blogger Crustcake will present to you an album that will sync with...

Latest News

It's been a year since Vader's Impressions in Blood came out, and the album is holding up well.  And Blood Was Shed in Warsaw...

Latest News

Fuck you Mastodon! You get to make awesome music AND tour the globe and play sick festivals AND hang out with Slayer AND get...


I really like this new trend of band shooting silly videos while they are recording their upcoming records. It gives us bloggers something to...


Atlanta, GA's DAATH have posted part 2 in their ongoing "Daathumentary" series (get it?). What do you learn from it? Their van keeps breaking...