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Search results for "Music"


When I interviewed Dave Lombardo of SLAYYYEEERRRR at last year's Mayhem Fest, he made it clear that he listens to a lot of music,...

RIP a Livecast

This Rob-and-Darren-free episode will be remembered for two things: The gang finding out what nugget porn is and the gang reading Rob's old Livejournal...

Latest News

by: Graham Hartmann Blackie Lawless showed his prima donna side by walking out on a gig because of a $198 restaurant bill. The W.A.S.P....


We know how he feels about Slayer, now on his new comedy album, Fart and Wiener Jokes, metal comedian Brian Posehn talks about an...


I am getting really excited for new music from the Deftones. Between their first single, Rocket Skates and now the title track, Diamond Eyes,...

Show Recap

by Graham "Gruhamed" Hartmann I thought I was too old to have a life changing experience at a rock show. Music is more important...


by Graham "Gruhamed" Hartmann I once read online that Daughters vocalist Alexis Marshall’s style could be accurately compared to the sound of Elvis Presley being...

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I am so fucking pumped to be attending tonight's kick off of the Dillinger Escape Plan's headlining run with Darkest Hour, iwrestledabearonce and Animals...

Latest News

Tim Lambesis is a busy mofo. Last year he released an Austrian Death Machine double album and this year, he was hard at work...


A hot chick who shrieks? Yes please! Landmine Marathon are set to release their Prosthetic debut, Sovereign Descent on March 16th, and to celebrate,...


By: Navjot Kaur Sobti With close to two decades of music that feeds upon the ideals of all that is Pagan and “Antichristian,” it...


By Ben Apatoff When supposed black metal purists lament the commercialization of their beloved music, they could be talking about BORKNAGAR. Despite roots in...

Fuck Yes!

By: Shannon Joy IRON MAIDEN have just issued two huge announcements surrounding the teaser image they placed on their website last week. The band...

Back in the Day

By: Navjot Kaur Sobti Respiring in the capillaries of all we hail as classic and timeless in thrash is METALLICA'S Master of Puppets. The...

Latest News

Usually I don't like to post press releases directly but rather sum up what they say. I just got perhaps the weirdest one yet....


By: Shannon Joy DOWN have confirmed a March 23rd release date [Note from Editor: We just got word from an E1 rep that this...

Ask Me...I'm Right

When Greg Weeks isn't harassing booth babes at NAMM, or owning the low end with his band, The Red Chord (currently on tour), the...

Tour Dates

Holy crap! I just realized that South By Southwest is just over two weeks away. Frank and I will be heading down there for...

Free Swag

Alright, alright! I admit, I totally have been slacking off with this game. But that was the past! From now on, I promise to...


by: Shannon Joy Swedish metal trio, KONGH, prepare for the official US release of their progressive doom-metal masterpiece, Shadows of the Shapeless.  Presented via...


By Ben Apatoff The God of War III soundtrack is a Roadrunner showcase featuring six new songs from some of the label's biggest names...


One of our videographers, Sean Gresens aka Spleen Latifa goes to a lot of shows! And most of them are usually in basements! So,...

Upcoming Releases

By: Shannon Joy Pennsylvania natives THIS OR THE APOCALYPSE have tapped LAMB OF GOD drummer Chris Adler and mega-producer Josh Wilbur (Lamb of God,...