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Search results for "resist"

New Music

They just announced a new album, plus a tour with Aether Realm.

New Music

Nails have released a new 7", featuring the lead single "I Don't Want To Know You," and its b-side, "Endless Resistance" which features a...


It doesn't seem like All That Remains and Oli Herbert's widow are on the best of terms.


Portland's Ossuarium has a bright (er...dark?) future ahead of it, as shown by their fantastic debut album.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes atmosphere, pop, prog, grandpa's guitars, and more! To the metals...


I've been a relatively passive follower of Incite for the last few years. They always struck me as an act with potential, but had...


The gender-negating Ukrainian phenoms drop their first release in almost three years...

Best of 2018

This article will mark the fourth time I've created a "Top 20 Albums of the Year" piece and after glossing over my previous lists...

Best of 2018

TRVE Brewing Company sits on the edges of downtown Denver in the historic Baker Neighborhood. The brewery sits amid a string of vintage clothing...

Tour Dates

Smash Into Pieces will also be there.

Best of 2018

2018 was all about broadening my horizons while reaffirming my love for long standing favorites.


A musician who doesn’t know any theory is like a painter who doesn’t know the names of colors.


When I saw the announcement for a Silent Planet and Stray from the Path co-headlining tour, I was firstly fascinated by the stylistic diversity,...

New Music

Heart of Jordan takes their metalcore influences and layers on irresistibly catchy choruses to make for one of the most promising unsigned releases of...


Specifically Slipknot's Jay Weinberg and Havok's David Sanchez.

Upcoming Releases

Recorded at the Hiroshima Green Arena in Hiroshima, Japan.


Singer Otep Shamaya is well-known for her honest lyrics and no-nonsense view on social injustice. You could say she forged herself a career in...