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Like most good trends, the popularity and presence of metallic hardcore has been at a constant ebb and flow. Peaking with the momentum from...

Dank Slams

SLAM. For any of you born after the year 2000, this is a very special installment of Dank Slams. Years before y'all were spinning the hottest, dankest platters...


This doom metal massif is as heavy as the Himalaya's, and the passion involved is next to none.


Much can be said to the "Meh" quality of most bands in one of the most mature, yet juvenile sub-genre in metal, so it's...


Does heavy metal really have an SJW problem? No. Duh.


2016 has been a blur. There have been some seriously great records, some records that fell a little short of expectations, and records that...


In today's Tech-Death Tuesday, we deliver another early stream of a promising new act named Australis. Their forthcoming debut, Spaces of Hope, is an...


There are many solos incorporated throughout, they are nimble, decisive and carry a proficient charm to them.


And, the Slipknot frontman just nailed it!

Show Recap

There were rumors that New England Metal and Hardcore Fest wasn't going to happen this year. With some changes in management and the murmurs...

Upcoming Releases

The album is called "Beast"


Regarding the legacy of the band, I view Deftones as divided into two entities, segmented by the passing of Chi. Adrenaline through Saturday Night...

The Obituarist

Hello again hellions, Trevor, The Obituarist here… ready to yet again guide your sweaty little fingers to the pulse of the extreme metal underground.


Seeing as how done Abbath sounded in 2009, I wasn’t sure what to expect from his eponymous debut. Given that he was the primary...

Best of 2015

Such a god damn good year for metal music...

Tech-Death Tuesday

Hey there fellow tech-fiends who frequent this column! It's time once again for another edition of Tech-Death Tuesday, and today's picks are possibly the...


Since 1997, Hate Eternal has been one of the defining voices of brutal, technical death metal. Along with fellow masters Nile and Necrophagist, the band...


If you enjoy brutal death to any degree, this quality release by Iniquitous Savagery is well worth the investment.

Latest News

Toontrack deems every November Metal Month and with good reason, the makers of EZdrummer 2 and Superior Drummer 2 announced two new software expansion...


While ostensibly sounding much like their last few from a production standpoint, Repentless is actually the band's most unapologetically thrash album in years.


Are you ready to hear the sermons of Papa Emeritus III?


In terms of pure, outstanding black metal in the 2nd-wave tradition, Gorgoroth has produced some of the finest albums ever made. Though there is...