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"I think you played that 15 seconds too long."

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They have extremely strong opinions about Promise.


Featuring Graveripper, Pisscorpse, Ruin Lust, Heads For The Dead, and more!

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"And when he was [there], it's like he couldn't be bothered."


Metalheads quite literally play a serious part in running the world.


"The resurrection of this now veteran entry of the New Wave of American Heavy Metal has been greeted by the audience with the levels...

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Backing tracks have been a hot topic of debate over the past few years, with some musicians feeling that every show should be 100%...


"At times playful, philosophical, and downright pulverizing (sometimes in immediate succession), it’s a nearly flawless creation full of genre-splicing adventurousness and emotional zigzags."


Metal makes everything sound better.


"We really are at a saturation point where it's difficult for yet another 1991-worshipping act to stand out. However, Outer Heaven stands apart from...


"Fans of modern deathcore will find what they should expect, but the songwriting at play here is no laughing matter."


"At only 45 minutes long, Prosaic provides consistently killer Mizmor tunes with no filler in sight."