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"I will never be able to undo my greatest mistake, but I believe it’s better to do something rather than give up."

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"M.S.W. has easily written some of the best doom/sludge songs of the last 5 years and we’re excited to be able to share a...

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The Hartford Curant is reporting that police have an open investigation into the death of All That Remains guitarist Oli Herbert and are treating...

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The metal world was stunned to learn that All That Remains guitarist Oli Herbert had passed away last month at his Connecticut home. He...


The metalcore legends pay tribute to guitarist Tom Searle on their most visceral album yet...


These guys are aiming for metalcore's big leagues - and they might just get there...


Specifically SAVE (Suicide Awareness Voices of Education).


"I was in my mid-30s and making $1,000 on a tour. That doesn’t do a lot to help someone with a depressive personality."


Earlier this year, King 810 was cast as a supporting act for an Emmure headlining tour. Being that the Flint-based act has a history...

Fuck Yes!

"Davis refused to sing until a Scarface-sized pile of cocaine was placed in front of him at the mic."

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The suicide prevention line is 1-800-273-8255.


Some publicity Periphery would rather not have.

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One of the standout tracks on Megadeth's 80s classic, Peace Sells…But Who's Buying, is "The Conjuring." But ever since Mustaine became a born-again Christian he...

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"So some of these lyrics are, to me, some of the best I've ever written. It's probably the most I've shared in years."


The Body's I Have Fought Against It, But I Can’t Any Longer, is a theatrical exploration of pain, depression, and darkness. Its atmospheric approach...