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In my review of their last album, Wormwood, I praised The Acacia Strain for their raw anger and brutality, but complained about the lack...

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A few months ago, we were shocked by the news of Baroness's bus crashing, falling off a 30 foot cliff. It did not look...


I can't believe how much new music we've been getting this week. It's been hard to keep up. We've been spotlighting some of the...

Upcoming Releases

Iwrestledabearonce have been working on a horror movie for quite a while now. Guitarist Steven Bradley was telling us about it as far back...

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Now, this is a fucking tour! Six Feet Under has announced that they will be going on tour next month with grind-masters Cattle Decapitation...

Show Recap

Click here for our massive photo gallery from this tour It’s been a hell of a rewarding Spring/Summer for me as far as kick-ass...

Upcoming Releases

Stoner / sludge masters Kylesa are back at it again. Not only are they coming out with a new album in 2013, but the...


From the chilly Scandinavian homeland which they draw their inspiration, Ensiferum sits atop the heap of modern folk-metal bands. Along with other genre standbys...


In the interest of fairness, since we did say that Phil Labonte gay married the NRA and had an abortion, after his most recent...


The weekend is almost here, and we got a ton of tunes to help us get there. New music from Monuments, Fight Amp, Yakuza,...

Tour Dates

This is a fucking tour! Converge is gearing up to release their new album, All We Love We Leave Behind on October 9th via Epitaph/Deathwish and...

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Yesterday we reported on what is most musicians biggest fear. Baroness were traveling in England and their bus flipped over, fell 30 feet and...

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Baroness, who are currently on tour in England were victims of a bus crash earlier today. According to this BBC report, the incident happened...


Our favorite frontman, Phil LaBonte is gearing up to get back on the promo cycle. All That Remains is getting ready to release A...

Upcoming Releases

Did they not see our AntiChrist-mas special way back in 2006? After releasing a Christmas cover a year for the last few years, August...

Show Recap

See the full photo gallery from this show. Last April presented an extraordinary opportunity to cover two 1349/Gate to Khaos shows in Western Norway...


Now, I’ll admit that polka-influenced folk metal isn’t for everyone. Complaints about the genre vary, ranging from derision of the unmetal instruments and arrangements,...

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This is really great news! After over two years of writing and recording, A Life Once Lost has completed their new record, which will...


My sincerest apologies for this long overdue labor of love. My insatiable thirst for metal got the better of me this past spring and...

Tour Dates

Holy shit, is this going to be a thrashin' good time. Skeletonwitch are total road warriors, as evidenced by their just-announced Fall 2012 headlining...

Decibel's Clips of the Month

Every month, Decibel scribe Shane Mehling reviews the four videos that appear in the mag under “Decibel’s Clips of the Month at Metal Injection.” This month, watch...

Upcoming Releases

Our favorite frontman's band is back. All That Remains have announced they have completed recording their new album, which will be called You Can...

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As a Philadelphia resident, sports lover and horror buff all I have to say is, Phuck yeah! Rob Zombie has just announced that he...