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Someone Snuck Into EVERY TIME I DIE's Dressing Room To Complain That The Drummer Plays Too Fast

That is a real headline that is not exaggerated.

That is a real headline that is not exaggerated.

Crazy fans are pretty much a staple of any bigger name band. It's just bound to happen that you're going to get that one person that takes it a step too far and makes for a good story, preferably not ending with the sentence "but they never found the bodies."

Jordan Buckley from Every Time I Die has one of those stories, and without the murdery part!

Which is also amazing considering letlive's Jason Butler is on vocals and not Keith, considering he's currently at home. Right… so there's that. Here's hoping that person is politely escorted away by security next time that type of thing happens. 

[via The PRP]

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He's got an issue with how it was recently talked about.