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Ozzy Osbourne Says No OZZFEST This Year!

ozzyosbourne66When the Mayhem Fest lineup was announced (and incredibly stacked) we questioned what bands were left for Ozzfest. It looks like Ozzy had those same questions and decided to pack it up and try again next year. This year he's focusing on putting new music out. Blabbermouth reports:

Ozzy Osbourne is currently in the studio in Los Angeles co-producing his tenth studio album with Kevin Churko. The new CD is the rock and roll legend's follow-up to 2007's "Black Rain". The two-time Grammy Award winner has decided that he will not be touring until he has a new album in stores (currently projected to be Thanksgiving 2009). Thus, Ozzy has decided to put his namesake festival Ozzfest on hold this year.

Another Ozzy record? Is that what the world needs right now? I guess they're trying to cash in on all the hype from their new awful variety show. Either way, I really see this as a good thing. There is already one huge festival with a killer lineup. Nobody can really go to two huge festivals in this economy and would have to choose between Ozzy and Slayer/Manson. I guess Sharon figured more people would probably choose Slayer/Manson. This also means that smaller talented bands won't have to fork over $50,000 to get on a decent tour package and instead of 2 blockbuster tours there will be a whole season of decent shows coming around. Plus, do you really want to see Ozzy crawl around the stage again?

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