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MSRcast 161: Seriously Metal

161webYour hosts seriously go metal in this episode! Seriously! In this episode of one of the longest running metal podcasts, your hosts, Cary and Sean seriously wax poetic about many metalized topics including the Megadeth split, our little tribute to David Gold and Woods of Ypres, owning a Testament song, brand new Faith No More is a MotherF&*er, how you can help a bunch of Dutch performance artists raise money for the Red Cross, why we are not at Opeth and In Flames, Blind Guardian, and so much more. Check us out on, and on Give us your feedback at [email protected]! We look forward to bringing you many more years of metal, and as always, keep it metal!


  • Triosphere – Steal Away the Night
  • Spectral Manifest – In Shadows Unseen
  • Serious Black – Sealing My Fate
  • Mors Principium EST – We Are The Sleep
  • Novembers Doom – Wet Leather – Tribute to Woods Of Ypres

Pay a visit to to read some great insights on the state of metal from our brand new cohost, the metal pigeon himself. The official MSRcast website is live! Visit us at or for all of your MSRcast needs, including archives of podcasts, interviews, reviews, and lots  more. Remember to contact us at [email protected], and follow us over on twitter, @msrcast and @themetalpigeon. Come and join Cary G. and Sean (the Metal Pigeon) over on Facebook, and while you are there, like our facebook fan page to keep up! Come find us over on Instagram, @msrcast. If you like the show, let others know about it by tweeting about it, talking about it, and subscribing in itunes and leaving a comment! Enjoy, and keep it metal!

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