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MOTÖRHEAD's Record Label Has Been Reactivated And Has Signed Three Bands

Would Lemmy be proud or pissed?

Would Lemmy be proud or pissed?

Motörhead Music has been around since 2010, though the label essentially died after Lemmy passed and Motörhead called it quits. The label went hand in hand with record label UDR, so it only makes sense that now Motörhead Music is reactivated, that it become an imprint of the label. The label won't just be a vanity label with no real affiliations to the band either – fortunately the band's management, Singerman Entertainment, and booking agents are involved as well.

Clearly it's not Lemmy picking these bands, but we'll see how well management knows the music now. UDR seems pretty confident in the decision as well.

“This isn’t some fancy, schmoozy bullshit vanity label, and it never was. This is Motörhead Music and it will continue to follow the mission statement as laid down by Lemmy and the boys. So if you want to support raw, exciting rock’n’roll, punk and whatever music is on the label, come one, come all. If not, don’t let the door hit yer arse on the way out.”

The signings are Barb Wire Dolls, Budderside, and Others. Barb Wire Dolls doesn't really do it for me, and considering the below trailer for Budderside and the fact that they're on tour with Steel Panther, I'm banking on it being cock rock. Maybe Others could be solid?

I mean, I get it. The label has the word Motörhead in it and the label can play it up as this "rock n' roll" thing in the spirit of Lemmy, but honestly, the music below just doesn't sound like anything special. Save for Budderside, who despite my previous comment, I haven't actually heard and might be amazing for all we know.



[via The PRP]

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