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METALLICA Is Officially Playing Antarctica

Earlier this week, we speculated on the possibility of Metallica playing the seventh continent, Antarctica and now it's officially official. 

The band is teaming up with Coke Zero for this once-in-a-lifetime event, and it's mostly for South American fans. Here's the official statement from the band's website:

“After over 30 years as a band, we have been unbelievably fortunate to visit just about every corner of the earth . . . except for one. That is all about to change as we are set travel to Antarctica, the only continent that Metallica has never played on until now!! We are partnering with Coca-Cola Zero for one of the most unique and special concert events in our career as we’ll be performing near the heliport of the Argentine Antarctic Base Carlini on Sunday, December 8, 2013.

“Latin American fans in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, and Mexico will be able to enter a contest for the chance to win an Antarctic cruise that sails December 3-10 and will stop at Carlini. We’ll be playing inside a dome on the base and in another twist, the show will be transmitted to the audience via headphones with no amplification . . . a real first for us! The show will also be streamed live for our friends in those Latin American countries who cannot join us at the base and filmed to share with everyone at a later date.

“For more details about his amazing adventure, check here. To enter the contest to join us in Antarctica, click here. Contest entry begins on October 28th.

“Pack up those warm clothes and we’ll see you at the bottom of the planet!”

Holy crap, an Antarctic cruise on top of a Metallica concert? That sounds insane. The idea of watching a metal show with no amplification makes me giggle a bit, but I guess they don't want to get too loud or the ice will crack and everybody will be…


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