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FEAR FACTORY's Dino Cazares Has A New Band With Members Of DIE KRUPPS & LEÆTHER STRIP

Not new Fear Factory. Sorry.

Not new Fear Factory. Sorry.

We're still not sure what the hell happened to Fear Factory after 2015's Genexus, but the two main dudes behind it are doing anything but lately. Burton C. Bell reactivated his Ascension Of The Watchers band and guitarist Dino Cazares is working on a solo album and his new band DieKlute. Aside from Cazares, DieKlute is Die Krupps frontman Jürgen Engler and Leæther Strip's Clas Larsen.

You can hear some of a new song below, as well as Cazares' explanation for the band.

I’m in a new Industrial band w/ Jurgen Engler from Die Krupps and  Claus Larsen from Leather Strip. The project is called “DieKlute”. We shot a video yesterday for the song “All In Vain” with Video Director Vincente Cordero @vcordero6 from Industrialism Films.  The video will feature clips of the unreleased indie film “The Relic” that was produced and directed by William Shatner. Our song will be featured in the Film. Movie Release date?

Album release date coming soon on @cleopatrarecords
@cleartonestrings @seymourduncanpickups @ibanezlacs @kemperprofiler


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