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EVERY TIME I DIE Issue Official Statement Regarding Drummer Change

Davison just didn't want to do as much touring as Every Time I Die was doing anymore.

Davison just didn't want to do as much touring as Every Time I Die was doing anymore.

Late last week we reported that Every Time I Die drummer Daniel Davison, who drummed for the band between 2015 and 2017, had been replaced by Fear Before The March Of Flames drummer Clayton “Goose” Holyoak. The only confirmation we saw was a statement from Holyoak, but now both Every Time I Die and Davison have spoken.

Every Time I Die's statement confirms Holyoak's presence and Davison's departure, but doesn't explicitly state that Holyoak is joining the band permanently.

Daniel's time with ETID was the greatest time in its long history. that is not a coincidence. replacing him won't be easy but nothing we do ever is. please check out @ddavison for his full statement. thank you for being a friend, Daniel. we travelled down the road and back again. your heart is true. you're a pal and a confidant.

currently, drumming duties are being handled by a man called Goose (formerly of NJ and FBTMOF). with only 4 days notice he flew out to us and learned 17 songs. if you're seeing us on our Canadian tour, know it only happened because of his insanely hard work and sacrifice.

Davison says his departure from the band was based on not wanting to tour as much as the band was, and he wishes the band the best of luck.

As some of you may have already heard, I am no longer playing drums in ETID. On the recent tour with TBS I let the guys know that it would be my last tour. It wasn’t an easy decision, as I absolutely loved playing and creating music with them, however the amount of touring wasn’t sustainable for me anymore. So after much consideration, I felt it was best that I move on. It was an extremely amicable exit – I’m happy for the future of ETID and I am excited about starting a new chapter for myself.

I’ll never forget the incredible experiences that made up my time in ETID. The shows were absolutely unbelievable, life giving. The time spent writing and recording LOW TEENS together was one of the most prolific, focused, and enjoyable experiences that I’ve ever had as a musician. I’m very grateful for my time spent with Andy, Jordan, Steve, and Keith – I love and respect them all very much as people and musicians and I wish them the best. Thank you so much to all of you who have supported ETID – past, present, and future – it truly doesn’t go unnoticed.

May the inimitable force that is Every Time I Die continue to move forward strong.

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