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Don't Worry, METALLICA Is Making A 3D Film Now

Metallica is a band who has pretty much accomplished everything there is to accomplish as a band. They have multiple platinum records, they are one of the biggest acts still selling concert tickets, and they even have a documentary that was in theaters to boot. What's left? Making even more money, with a 3D movie in the works. 

Over the weekend, Deadline reported that the band is planning to self-finance a 3D motion picture. The only other bit of info in thereport is that they hired producer Charlotte Huggins, who's biggest credit is Journey To The Center of the Earth, but also has a lot of live concert documentaries under her belt. This leads me to speculate that the band is planning on creating 3D concert film to squeeze some money out of fans. The plan has worked in the past. Justin Bieber released a 3D movie last year and it grossed $73 million, so maybe they think their fans are as big a sucker as Bieber fans and would pay upwards of $20 to see a 3D concert.

But, what if that's not what they're planning? What if it's something far worse. What if they're planning a Lulu film, ala Pink Floyd's The Wall. Or, what if they're planning a Lulu concert film. Can you imagine Lou Reed's wrinkly face in 3D? I certainly can't.

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