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Bummer Alert

OZZY OSBOURNE European Tour Postponed After He's Diagnosed With Severe Upper Respiratory Infection

Based on doctors' orders, Ozzy Osbourne is postponing the entirety of his European "No More Tours 2" tour, which was set to also include Judas Priest. Ozzy said he coughed so hard earlier this week, he burst a blood vessel in his eye.

Ozzy postponed the first four dates yesterday, but now doctors have said it's best if he does not tour and just rests. Ozzy was diagnosed diagnosed with a severe upper-respiratory infection and doctors feared if Ozzy toured it could develop into pneumonia based on the winter weather conditions and the intense physicality of touring.

Ozzy offered this statement:

"I'm completely devastated for having to postpone the European leg of my tour. It just seems that since October, everything I touch has turned to shit. First the staph infection in my thumb and now coming down with the flu and bronchitis.

"I want to apologize to all of my fans who have been so loyal over the years, my band, my crew and to Judas Priest for letting you all down. However, I promise the tour with Judas Priest will be completed. It's being rescheduled right now to start in September. Again, I apologize to everyone. God Bless. Love you all, Ozzy."

Ticket holders are encouraged to hold onto their tickets as they will be honored at the rescheduled dates. Details will be announced soon.

Ozzy's tour is scheduled to resume in Australia on March 9th.

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