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Bill Ward on BLACK SABBATH's 13: "If I Want To Rip My Guts Out, I'll Put It On"

I feel pretty bad for former Black Sabbath drummer Bill Ward. He and the band couldn't come to terms on financials, and as a result got booted out of Sabbath, then Ozzy calls him fat and says he wouldn't be up to the task of performing, and now he's talking about how painful it would be to listen to his former band's record because he's not on it. Cut the guy a break!

Ward recently told Rock Cellar Magazine:

"The only thing I've heard from 13 is… maybe 40 seconds of the first song, and then I turned it off. I haven't heard anything off that album at all. And to be quite honest, I don't care to either. It's too painful. If I want to rip my guts out, I'll put it on. I mean, I wish them all the luck — well, not luck, they don't need luck — but I wish them all the best in the world. But for me, I can't listen to it, it's too close to home, you know."

It's not like he's missing a whole lot anyway. Hey-o! Seriously though, I do feel bad for Ward because it seems like he wanted to be on the record much more than the band wanted him on the record. Even though the big rumor is that it was a money thing and not even about the music, which I totally believe. Someone get Bill Ward on their record to cheer him up!

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