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Spotify Donates $500,000 to National Independent Venue Association

Still not out of the woods yet.


Spotify has donated $500,000 to the National Independent Venue Association (NIVA) Emergency Relief Fund, which was created help small venues stay afloat during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"As 2020 draws to a close, the live music industry enters month nine of no shows, no income, no federal support, and ever-mounting debts. Music is what connects us all – as Spotify shows us, it’s what helped our friends, our families and our communities get through this tumultuous year," said Stephen Sternshein, co-founder and treasurer of NIVA.

"Everyone’s favorite artists started somewhere, and we’re immensely thankful to Spotify for helping us to tell these stories. The stories that artists like Bruce Springsteen, Lady Gaga, The Weeknd, The Strokes, and so many more began on the very stages that today are struggling to survive."

NIVA is also behind the recent #SaveOurStages push and has supported the RESTART Act. You can also learn more about NIVA here.

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