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Search results for "earth"


Anciients is a sleeping giant, and their latest album sees this British Columbia-based quartet continuing to refine their craft and inching ever-closer to becoming...


All in all Deathgrip is a solid release. It's the same style of music that Fit For A King has been writing for half...


Winter's Gate is very carefully wrought; it envelops the listener like the blazing hearth-fire in some long-ago Nordic hall.


Brain Tentacles obviously has connections to the jazz world, though they’re tempered with spines of noise rock, ambient, sludge, doom, progressive weirdness and space...


This new supergroup featuring members of Mastodon, Dillinger Escape Plan, Alice in Chains and Mars Volta takes listeners comfortable with those bands down a...


Wrekmeister Harmonies are masters of their craft and have put together a stunning record with the dudes from Godspeed You! Black Emperor. Now to...


Helen Money is back with the cello based projects most stunning and ambitious album to date.


Polar Similar is the perfect title for an album such as this; it's as much a polar opposite as can be from Norma Jean's...


Paying no heed to the controversy/drama presently simmering beneath this band’s surface, the fact of the matter is Beelzefuzz do an excellent job of...


There’s a lot more going on this record than what gets actual credit for, especially from the metal underground. There are definite weak spots...


Vow Of Thorns perform competently on this latest offering, but it remains a case of 'close but no cigar'.


Virginia's Inter Arma have created one of the greatest albums of the decade with their newest effort.


Kayo Dot is for all people who love bleak music. It's for people who want to get washed up in the darker side of...


While rooted firmly in black metal, Wayfarer inject a healthy amount of atmospheric, folk and post metal elements into their music, which makes for...


Thrawsunblat just dropped one of the best albums of the year. You know you want in on this shit.


The Vision Bleak continue their successful ways with another solid, memorable, if not completely spectacular album to add to their growing discography.


At this point in music history, the Frenchmen of Gojira have cemented themselves as one of the paramount metal bands of this generation. Though the band's...


Hailing from The Sword's own hometown of Austin, Texas and also featuring a retro sound heavily favoring 70's boogie riffs, Scorpion Child proudly sidestep...


Haken had no need to prove anything on this record. Their past few releases have been nothing less than monumental. I can't confidently claim...


NTW is a plenty worthy release. It's just going to make you wish that there was more.


This is a doom band only just starting to make good, but with the potential to go far. Joining them for the ride could...


Blizaro is one of the weirdest bands to ever come from the US, John Gallo the forgotten master of horror doom is back with...


Elephant Tree make fr a fascinating, sitar padded listen - even if they do get a bit boring after a while.