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Search results for "three"


Fleshvessel fuse a huge variety of death metal ideas together making for truly compelling listening. It's challenging, but well worth it!


It doesn’t seem too long ago when deathcore was a frowned upon scene. And to an extent, that disapproval was justified considering the over-indulgence...


Considering their numerous lineup changes, the Slipknot "feud," and origins in the industrial/alternative/nu metal era, it's safe to say that Mushroomhead has a somewhat...


The popularity of Bell Witch is one of the more surprising and remarkable phenomena of the past few years. In this day and age...


Perhaps because the band had to recover, hunker down and hammer it out against the odds, Palimpsest contains some of Protest The Hero's most...


Though Kall originated from a band rooted in frigid misanthropy, the band's long-expected sophomore album brings vibrant warmth to the band’s tortured aura.


For those with the patience to fully submerge in the proceedings, Geist & The Sacred Ensemble appeals on a wavelength similar to Swans’ The...


Good luck avoiding a quarantine mosh when this album hits. Años En Infierno upholds Xibalba’s standard of destructive death metal, melancholic doom metal and...


Hard to believe its been 15 years since August Burns Red released Thrill Seeker. Once the young frontrunners of metalcore, they’ve matured into one...


Like a lot of bands, Caustic Wound isn’t playing to reinvent the wheel of death or grind, they’re just playing it the way it...


Even if the vocals don't bother you, Subterranean Exile is almost objectively underwhelming from a songwriting and composition standpoint.


Everything is relative. Some people bag on Lars, others appreciate both his drumming and the part he’s played in advancing and maintaining metal’s relevance...


A nearly immaculate celebration and recreation of Ayreon's 1998 progressive metal masterpiece.


For three decades thrash legends Testament have been of the genre's best. Titans of Creation is their latest album, and continues their streak of...


Coming out of the Mid-West, Hyborian have been a group that anyone into heavy music should be keeping tabs on. After forming in 2015,...


What do you expect from a band called Dirt Woman? Probably not this. Five songs, three of them thirteen-plus minutes, and a colossal sound...


It only took Chris Spencer and Jim Coleman three decades to twist noise rock into a new form


Lee Buford of The Body, Kristin Hayter of Lingua Ignota, and Dylan Walker of Full of Hell are no strangers to working with one...


The Amity Affliction might be the luckiest band in metal history. When they debuted in 2008 with Severed Ties, their brand of emo pop-infused...


The Telemark EP is an essential addition to Ihsahn’s catalog


It goes without saying that the past few years have been quite the gaping pothole in Suicide Silence’s post-Lucker timeline, so I feel obligated...


Illuminati is a well-constructed conglomeration of metal styles, and is varied enough to make it worth spinning from back to front.


Hostis Humani Generis is masterful expedition whose fusion of jokey cheer and earnest craftsmanship becomes stronger with each listen.