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Search results for "iron"


Everyone knows Cradle of Filth and everyone knows on a basic level what to expect from new albums. But on their latest album, Cryptoriana...


Pure metal fans may not enjoy Hiss Spun’s icy cocktail of deeply distorted alternative rock, folk, and electronics, but anyone willing to step just...


To the untrained ear, this review is nothing but nerdy hair splitting; your significant other who knows nothing about metal and your mom will...


Songs like “Rites of the Locust” and “Les Sepulcri” represent the band at their best, with massive riffs and a perfectly honed atmosphere that...


Contempt is like a beer bottle being broken over your head and then put to your throat.

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When the beloved Amebix called it quits after a brief reformation, Rob 'The Baron' Miller resurrected the feeling of his unique work in the...


FFO: Cult of Luna, Oathbreaker, Code Orange...


Accept have been one of the more consistently excellent bands over the decades that it can easily seem to even longtime listeners that the band...


Wear Your Wounds' debut record is one of the most emotionally significant releases in recent times.


When I sat down to review this, I wasn't sure what there would be to say about an album comprised of live versions of...


Within the Ruins defy naysayers with a newfound penchant for clean vocals supplementing their usual deathcore approach


Welcome Power Trip's Nightmare Logic in all its thrash and hardcore perfection!


When death metal began in the 80's, it was fresh and innovative. Fast forward to today and I feel as though tolerance has left...


Black Star Riders emerged when Thin Lizzy guitarist Scott Gorham had new material kicking around which he initially intended to showcase on a new...


Gods of Violence: it's that fucking good.


Black Anvil has always been able to balance atmosphere into their metal, but As Was might be their best effort yet.


Code Orange deliver an excellent record in Forever. It captures two sides of a great beast: its massive devastating heft, and the darkness lingering...


Two Fistula records in one year? I’d say you’re too kind, 2016, but we all know that’s bullshit. But I’ll take any miniscule amount...


The Whole of the Law is the sounds of Armageddon. And what incredible timing it has.


Whether you think positively or negatively about Hammerfall, the Swedes have to be respected for being one of the initial bands to break heavy...


Denver's doomed rock and roll outfit has made massive strides towards greatness while simultaneously crafting one the year's catchiest albums.


As I Lay Dying ex-members are back for their second crack