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Search results for "Elf"


The last time NJ thrashers GOD FORBID checked in with a new album, it precisely the huge step forward that only a few bands...


A few summers ago, the Giraffes' self-titled breakthrough established them as one of the best new hard rock bands since Queens of the Stone...


I love death metal. Like, LOVE it. Without the glorious, blood-drenched cacophonies of Cannibal Corpse, Morbid Angel, Bolt Thrower, Obituary, and Deicide, my tender...


Axl Rosenberg over at MetalSucks posted an awesome review of GOJIRA's new release, The Way Of All Flesh. I could write about my feelings...


Whenever they feel like it, the editors of The Apparatus webzine will present a new tech album that you should do yourself a favor...


Every week Whenever they feel like it, the editors of The Apparatus webzine will present a new tech album that you should do yourself...


Cary Gordon, a.k.a. Evil C, co-Host of Metal Injection Radio's MSRCast sent in this review… With the brand new Guitar Hero game out on...


Testament's The Formation of Damnation has been hotly anticipated for two reasons.  First, it marks the return of lead guitarist Alex Skolnick.  This resets...


Every up-and-coming metal band should watch Born in the Basement.  The DVD, by original Overkill drummer Lee Kundrat (aka Rat Skates), is a metal...


Welcome back, Tomas Haake. It was quite impressive how natural (natural for extreme metal, anyway) the programmed drums sounded on 2005's Catch Thirtythree, but...


Black metal lyrics generally fall into three categories: (1) Satan, Satan, Satan; (2) Odin, Odin, nature; and (3) kill yourself, but not before buying...


Through the Eyes of the Dead are basically a new band now – and not just because only one original member remains, guitarist Justin...


If you are a "deathcore" fan and you haven't heard of DESPISED ICON you have been living under a fucking rock. If there was...


Below is the 2nd edition of Crustcake Presents. Every week, renowned music blogger Crustcake will present to you an album that will sync with...


In the January 2008 issue of Decibel, Skeletonwitch described their sound as "Immortal beating the shit out of Metallica at a keg party."  This...


Below is the inagural edition of Crustcake Presents. Every week, renowned music blogger Crustcake will present to you an album that will sync with...


Yet more Latin-loving French black metal – if I'd known I was going to be a metal writer, I would have studied Latin in...


One-man Hungarian black metal: how much more obscure can one get?  Paragon Records excel at unearthing hidden gems like Aetherius Obscuritas, aka Arkhorrl, who...


Most people will know Sickening Horror for drummer George Kollias, of Nile notoriety.  This is good in that his work on the Greek band's full-length...


Bands have been chipping away at Meshuggah's block for a while now, hoping to take away a piece or two to call their own. ...


There are certain record labels which I trust on dealing with bands that have a lot of “artistic credibility”. The End Records has built...


For those new kids out there, “Wages Of Sin” was not ARCH ENEMY's first album! For you melodic metalcore kids still high on LAMB...


I like to think that my current themes of humorous raw black metal reviews are going over well, but for all I know, everybody...