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Search results for "Age"


By Ben Apatoff Music enthusiasts may know ATTILA as a terrible psychedelic rock band from the late '60s. They're deservedly absent from most people's...


By Ben Apatoff Everything that you could guess about BISON B.C.'s music from their name is probably true. It can shift a plodding stomp...


I’m a total sucker for vinyls. The 7″ is one of the most underground releases you can make, and having one makes me feel...


I had no idea what to expect from this album when I first saw it. I looked at the front cover and saw a...


Every once in a while, an album comes along that gives you goose bumps. 'Ashes of the Wake,' 'Spiritual Black Dimensions,"Annihilation of the Wicked'-...


"Overwhelming, yet calming, Botanist continues to find new ways of bringing their sound into new territories."


"Backdrops and inspirations aside, this is music for rumbling the depths of the soul."


"Mind Burns Alive is sure to evoke something new and delightfully pensive out of the listener."


"Knocked Loose has embraced a melodic direction with this record, weaving in a theme that avoids being cheesy but rather eerie and unsettling."


"You'll be enamored and entirely transported with Nell' Ora Blu. Give it a listen immediately."


"Overall, it's a solid record with a lot to really love."


"Honestly, the biggest flaw of Phantoma is a gripe that could be made about a lot of power metal: too much of it sounds...


"Charismatic Leaders is another classic entry in their catalog and another reason for why Wheel absolutely deserves to be a household name in the...


"Give Vanden Plas a shot if you're looking for some accessible metal that will be sure to satisfy your melodic tooth."


Well, I hope you weren't looking for someone pretending to be objective here. My Dying Bride is my favorite doom band of all time...


"If this album is a sign of things to come, then High On Fire aren't getting old. They've just become legends."


"Necrot is one of the most-hyped death bands of the last 10 years, and this album gives you a good idea why."


"Exist have outdone themselves yet again with Hijacking the Zeitgeist."


"Ingested is unafraid to explore different caves of sound and engage with different melodies, crafting a sound that never sacrifices intensity with ten brand...


"Their work with Dis Fig shows their innate ability to create beauty from ugliness, and how easily they can transcend metal and plant their...


"These guys have a unique vision for the genre and should be in the limelight for anyone looking for bands doing the genre right."


"After all, you really can't have too much good blackened death metal in your life."


"Ten fine features could have been traded for five amazing ones, that truly complemented the sounds and delivered extra layers."