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Search results for "Age"


Through the miracle of online serendipity, long dormant Swedish band Ice Age are finally making their uber-overdue debut on wax. 


All Pigs Must Die are here for harm.


Not to be outdone by their own discordant eccentricities, Altarage are back to prove that things can become even more nebulous


Wage War's new album, Deadweight, is a great display of the power that metalcore still has today.


Be sure to wrap your scrotum in foil, and prepare for your hair to evacuate as this nuclear beats seeps its self into society.


Igorrr's Savage Sinusoid makes for one of today's most fascinating experiences. The record is an incredible look into the mind of an artist where...


An impressive debut by a group that has admirably hewn their own path to get here.


FFO: The Dillinger Escape Plan, Protest the Hero, SikTh...


Avenged Sevenfold returns with The Stage: a vast and powerful collection of music found amongst the stars.


SubRosa continue to push the boundaries of what doom metal can be with their third full-length.


Pilgrimage of Loathing should offer a more accessible entry point to the band's catalog than last year's ephemeral Golden Veil, though both remain compelling...


In the interest of full disclosure, and as a demonstration of the transformative power that comes with taking one’s time and ignoring first impressions,...


A pilgrimage that is dense, sweeping and chaotic; its darkness engulfing.


It would not surprise me if Michael Keene granted permission for The Zenith Passage to pick up where Planetary Duality left off.


The leaders of the new wave of American heavy metal return with their crushing and heart-wrenching seventh album, Incarnate.


If you enjoy brutal death to any degree, this quality release by Iniquitous Savagery is well worth the investment.


Cruciamentum, meaning torture in Latin, takes a tried and true formula in their approach, but is able to create an original masterpiece in Charnel...


Black Age Blues, being the first full length Goatsnake recording in 15 years, and the most recent music in any format since 2004, would...


The post black metal scene is something I get on only a few levels. I see the draw, the more picturesque beauty that the...


If you've heard the word “leprosy” thrown around when reading up on Gruesome, it is absolutely true. Rather than working to pay homage to...


"Watchers of Rule showcases a band firing on all cylinders. There is an urgency, a purpose and a drive I haven't felt in a...


For all their quality attributes Armageddon are hardly the sea changing world beaters as either fellow Swedes At the Gates nor Amott's brother Michael's...