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Search results for "AM"


Breaking Benjamin. Synonymous in everyone's mind with the mild-yet-catchy chorus of “The Diary of Jane." At least it was that way for me. The Pennsylvania...


Ámr is easily one of Ihsahn’s most focused, dynamic, and overall impressive sequences to date.


Panopticon's newest album is an easy contender for album of the year. Prepare for a magnificent journey in the double album experience that is,...


There are plenty of prolific musicians within the metal community who balance multiple projects simultaneously like a successful juggling circus act. But no artist...


Rivers of Nihil's Where Owls Know My Name is not only a fresh breath of air for death metal, but metal in general.


There’s something grander and expansive happening here. But how much opportunity and potential has been quashed by the band's isolationist stance?


Ministry's 14th studio LP, AmeriKKKant, packs a whole lot of political commentary, along with a whole lot of industrial metal


Howling Sycamore is one of those new projects that immediately struck gold. Labeling this simply as progressive metal would not be doing this act...


Narcos Family Band remind us why punk rock is life on this latest mini masterpiece.


Mammoth Grinder unleash a whole lot of fury and insanity in their fourth LP, Cosmic Crypt


Weird, avant garde and wonderfully brainy, this is some of the most interesting black metal to come out in 2017!


Compilation of the progressive instrumental shred project alike Sithu Aye, Aristocrats, Plini...


It's a bit inconsistent, but Phantom Amour's high points prove that Toothgrinder has the potential to become one of the scene's most exciting bands...


One thing RAM has had a knack for and continues to sharpen is their ability to craft really hooky vocal lines and memorable melodies,...


Gutslit is coming at you with the same sort of balls out assault that drew so many of us to the death metal genre


We can likely all agree that Samael will never be the same band that released the genre-defining Worship Him over a quarter century ago....


Relentless Mutation is a great step forward for Archspire, as the writing is vastly improved and more consistent than on previous records. And it’s...


Infamata is going to guide you forward time and time again, through black metal masterpieces that can't help but to make you wonder about the...


To the untrained ear, this review is nothing but nerdy hair splitting; your significant other who knows nothing about metal and your mom will...


Corey Taylor takes up his pen and shares his thoughts on just what the hell is happening in America


Wage War's new album, Deadweight, is a great display of the power that metalcore still has today.


Be sure to wrap your scrotum in foil, and prepare for your hair to evacuate as this nuclear beats seeps its self into society.


Chamber of Horrors is definitely a milestone step up for a doom band on the rise