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Search results for "videos"


Mushroomhead could arguably be one of metal’s most underappreciated bands. Formed in the 1990’s, the Ohio-based nine-piece group has always been determined to stand...


In spite of the fact that Slipknot have previously released live DVDs that feature a lot more easter eggs than Day of the Gusano, from a performance...


Relentless Mutation is a great step forward for Archspire, as the writing is vastly improved and more consistent than on previous records. And it’s...


Wage War's new album, Deadweight, is a great display of the power that metalcore still has today.


Axis Mundi only reinforces Decrepit's Birth importance to – and continual domination of – technical death metal.


Former Kyuss singer John Garcia returns with a solo mash-up of acoustic Kyuss covers and new electric material


For over a year now it seems that the name has lurked in the shadows. With sporadic music videos hitting view counts high as...


When Ronnie James Dio tragically passed away in 2010, he was hands down the most significant artist (*) that the heavy metal community had...


Mars Red Sky's capacity is widely diverse, ranging from low-end riffs before layering on their circus quirky personality. Both of these opposing attributes are...


Man, it's too bad MTV doesn't show music videos anymore. I know, I know, tired ass grumpy old man argument, but hear me out....


November 10, 2009, Throwdown released an album called Deathless. October 14th, 2014, Revocation released an album called Deathless, August 7th, 2015, Miss May I...


Novelty metal has come to be its own thriving cottage industry, namely in the form of viral videos and attention-seeking mash up covers. With...


Though it’s commonly summed up as a homogenized slab of Gothenburg riffs and 90’s hardcore breakdowns, the metalcore explosion of the mid-aughts was actually...


If you're a regular reader of Metal Injection, you're almost certainly familiar with the Ten Second Song YouTube account. It's run by Anthony Vincent, a...


It's not mind blowing talent, or ridiculous composition. It's an unwavering performance by a bunch of guys who are passionate about what they do.


If you’re not too familiar with Motionless in White, an easy description would be that they’re kind of a mix of metalcore, and Marilyn...


Sometimes it rains, sometime it's Hurricane Katrina hopped up on methamphetamines wielding two baseball bats. Prepare yourself accordingly, but keep in mind you'll be...


Symphonic metal is one of the most artistic subgenres of metal. I feel like there’s a certain way it needs to be done in...


By the time that this goes up, I will have just seen Black Sabbath again (writing this Sunday night since I'm seeing them Monday). I...


If you haven’t seen the new Chthonic video for “Supreme Pain for the Tyrant,” then immediately scroll to the bottom of this review and...


So you're in the mood for some Alice in Chains, but the doomier styling of bands like Woods of Ypres has been calling your...


You may have heard recently through the grapevine that a band going by the name “Lesbian” exists. Furthermore, it has no female members, which...


Having been on Victory Records through an entire album cycle now, and with a cover of D.R.I.'s classic "I Don't Need Society" in the track...

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