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Search results for "Riot"


FFO: Dillinger Escape Plan, Mastodon, Moon Tooth...


Infernal Overdrive accomplishes exactly what it sets out to do: offer a textbook classic heavy metal vibe with glimpses of offshoot techniques throughout.


The geological and folkloristic-minded among you are likely well aware that the name Dimmu Borgir was, in fact, hijacked from Icelandic folklore – its meaning...


These Massachusetts thrashers are back at it again! Lich King's The Omniclasm makes for a relentless and fun ride.


Whether you’re a fan or not, it has to be recognized that there’s no band like the singular, shape-shifting force of musical nature and...


Motorhead may be no more, but Phil Campbell is still out there killing it.


Thinka continuum between 70's almost-punk like the Runaways on one end and 90's riot grrl acts like L7 and Bikini Kill on the other,...


Get ready for one of the most exciting, devastating and all around brutal metal records of 2015.


Straight to the point, no bullshit, no frills, no filler, nothing but solid brass knuckles track by track.


Along comes album number three and, well, the Lost Society we knew, loved and described above has almost vanished into the ether. Seriously kids...


Their debut full-length, The Flame of Eternity's Decline, first saw life in 2005 via Oriana Music, and helped to solidify Khors as a force...


Nile demands our attention whenever they leap onto their chariots into battle. Their latest ride is entitled, What Should not be Unearthed. And the...


Immortal Randy Rhoads is not the first tribute album to the guitar great, but compared to many other legendary bands and artists the Rhoads...

Black Metal History

ach person has his or her own way of delving into an art form. For me, books and documentaries have a colorizing effect on...


Crossover thrash supergroup Iron Reagan strip away the sanctimoniousness of socially conscious extreme music and replace it with vaguely political anger that almost any...


Vermin Womb is one of those bands that reminisce about wrecked neighborhoods. The feeling of an utter, haunting dark isolating that cuts straight to...


For a lot of people, one of the enduring attractions to heavy metal is the technical proficiency many of the genre's musicians possess. Without...

Black Metal History

There is music that is meant to comfort us, music meant to disturb us, and music meant to impale our senses with the cold...


Celebrating the 10 year anniversary of Evil Never Dies, his vinyl debut as Toxic Holocaust, Joel Grind issued a career spanning retrospective (From the Ashes...

Black Metal History

By the turn of the century, Enslaved had produced a quartet of compelling albums, establishing themselves as reliable and unique purveyors of the blackened...


I chose to review this album as a way to broaden my metal horizons. I'd obviously heard of Germany's legendary Grave Digger before, but...


Dublin, California could just be another American city with a borrowed European name, lest it not be for a band comprised of arguably some...


Taking his adage if not necessarily his credo from Emiliano Zapata, Matthew Widener (Cretin, Citizen) launches a new one man project in Liberteer, the flagship...

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