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Sophomore slump has plagued countless bands, regardless of the genre. It’s always difficult to follow up an album that could have taken any number...


Stream the album in full at themusic.com.au If you had asked me several years ago if I ever thought a band like France’s Gojira...


Six years is an eternity in metal years. Entire trends rise and die off in a mere half-decade with a fair amount of consistency....


Shadows Fall has made its name as one of the most influential and popular metal bands of the last ten years. Despite this fact,...


Weregoat may be from Portland but they want no fucking part of that "Cascadian black metal" shit. Featuring Kevin Schreutelkamp, drummer of Ritual Necromancy,...


Crossover thrash is a genre that can be traced back to Join The Army era Suicidal Tendencies and the very obviously titled Crossover by party...


I've been rooting for Seattle natives Black Breath since receiving their Razor to Oblivion EP in the mail back in 2008. Unfortunately, in my (admittedly minority)...


Autolatry is a Progressive Black Metal band from eastern Connecticut. Readers who like to make the trek over to MetalSucks may have heard of...


Beyond Black Sabbath, traditional doom puts me to sleep. My interest in the bleak arts is only piqued by the extraordinary; Pallbearer are precisely...


The twin pillars of Angels of Darkness, Demons of Light represent the extended dissipation of the energy and tension first formed on 2008's The...

Black Metal History

Niege has once again metamorphosed into a new sound by creating the third Alcest album and almost completely shed his black metal roots. Les...


"Filth flarrin' flarrin' filth!"  Eddie Murphy was channeling a repulsed Bill Cosby when he uttered those words on 1987's Raw, but he might as...


Time off has been good to Primus.  Having seemingly fizzled out with 1999's artistically disastrous Antipop – stunt cast with such head-scratching guest appearances...


Crack the Skye left me with some rather bittersweet and curious feelings towards the future and direction of Mastodon, one of the genre’s most...


With Machine Head, I have to try my best to be fair. 2007’s The Blackening was an awesome record, but I’ve always had trouble...


One could say a lot of good things about Unearth. In 2001, with most emerging metal bands still mired in the colossal waste of...


Ipsissimus are some funny dudes. Last Saturday at a show in Connecticut, bassist and lead vocalist Tichondrius stated proudly: We're gonna play something off our...


Burzum's long awaited comeback after 11 years of silence was a quiet one: 2010's Belus was generally well received but in many ways flew...

Black Metal History

by  Jeremy Ülrey The headlines of the nation's newspapers scream with the revelations of a sinister plot to slaughter progressive politicians and religious leaders in...


By: Nina Saeidi Hailing (quite literally) from the un-exotic depths of Manchester, WINTERFYLLETH are famed for their beautiful atmospheric black metal and infamous for...


by Jeremy Ülrey Continuing apace the goth-country minimalism he's specialized in since his 2005 reemergence, Dylan Carlson once again saddles up his warhorse and...


By Atanamar Sunyata Flashback (eleven years) to college: sitting in a friend's apartment, drinking 40s and watching the “Over The Edge” WWF pay-per-view event. ...


By Kit Brown Deathcore, though constantly at the wrong end of too many bad jokes in the metal community, has been making some positive...