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Search results for "Group"


This split 10" from Halo of Flies Records is comprised of only two songs, but both tracks are eight minutes long. If you're familiar...


Eyehategod have never really went away so much as just splintered back into their plethora of side projects before any meaningful amount of songwriting...


From the mind of Roman Saenko comes a folk compilation of international recording artists whose goal is to bring a piece of heritage from...


Starting off as a fairly prolific crust/sludge quartet from the Pacific Northwest, Trap Them began getting a little leaner in their output as they gained popularity,...


Pagan metal is one of those terms that has become increasingly polarizing to adherents of heavy metal culture. A once revered corner of the...


Death metal, as a genre, hasn’t made too many leaps since its birth into the field. But like the old saying goes, “if it...


Austrian three-piece Dornenreich have existed since 1996, releasing seven studio albums while dazzling us with their neo-folk infused take on black metal and chamber...


Last year we celebrated the Collaboration/Supergroup and I was well aware that a few rather interesting ones were on their way. Still on the way,...


Aborted. Only a death metal group could get away with a band name like that, especially for almost twenty years. Death metal has made...


It’s been two years since Howard Jones left Killswitch Engage, and a year since the first recordings started, but the wait is finally over....


A profoundly weird display of blackened noise. Weird, off-putting and almost stark in its eschewing of song-structure, any evaluation of Twilight's III: Beneath Trident's...


Deathcore is a genre of metal that, for the purist, is one of the worst sub-genres in metal, and, for the most part, it...


Andrew W.K., with his self-help speeches and spontaneous one-man shows, is widely recognized in the mainstream media as the go-to expert when you want...


Back in 2011, Austin Lunn, the mastermind behind one-man black metal project Panopticon, was studying zymurgy in Norway to prepare for the opening of his Hammerheart...


Oblation – noun \ə-ˈblā-shən, ō-\ – defined as "to make a religious offering or an offering of devotion", in this case the first new...


Across the spectrum in today's metal scene there are albums done with computers, triggers, effects, and a ton of studio tinkering, and then there...


The genres of heavy metal have been splintering ever since Iommi hit those first chords forty four years ago. Pseudo industrial hardcore christian dubstep...


One of metal’s best kept secrets, San Francisco’s Slough Feg, has returned and the band once known as “The Lord Weird Slough Feg” isn’t any...


I hope you’re ready for some fuckin thrash… not the tired repetitive trash you hear trying to pass for thrash in recent years, but...


If you were to write Hexis off based solely on the knowledge that they're yet another in a long line of blackened hardcore bands, you...


I think supergroups are so hit and miss. They have so much hype that has close to nothing to do with their actual music....


We've been waiting patiently for five years since Behemoth dropped their 2009 blasphemy Evangelion. Obviously nobody could be angry about the wait given frontman,...