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Search results for "DRUMMER"


If we travel back far enough in time in the history of DARK FUNERAL, you can see that the lineup revolves around founding guitarist...


Good old stoner rock. And yeah, it’s stoner rock, because I wouldn’t say it’s heavy enough to be stoner metal. The fuzz just isn’t...


In a strange turn of events, the only one man black metal band I ever sent an e-mail to (who shall currently remain not...


I’ll put it bluntly – NILE is one of my favorite bands. If I had a chance to review “Annihilation Of The Wicked” when...


Akercocke is one of the few elite metal bands with an instantly recognizable sound.  Over the years, its blackened death metal has become more...


After the demise of German black metal band Nagelfar (not to be confused with the Swedish band Naglfar), drummer Alexander von Meilenwald formed The...


Over three full-lengths and a slew of splits, Poland's Antigama have honed their simultaneously retro and futuristic take on grindcore.  The latter aspect has...


Before Behemoth became a death metal juggernaut, it played black metal. Of course, its death metal is often called "blackened," and the Polish band...


Death metal is almost 20 years old, and for having such explosive beginnings in Sweden, England, and Florida, its rate of progress has slowed...


On its debut full-length, San Diego's Warface serves up no-frills, old-school death metal. Suffocation comes to mind in the death growls, blastbeats alternating with...


When you review the band responsible for your employer's theme song, your hands are a little tied. The opening riffs of "Praise the Lord...


For some reason, the YouTube test of guitar proficiency these days is how well one can play Necrophagist songs. Well, The Faceless would wipe...


When your drummer leaves your band, what do you do? When you're Savannah, GA band Kylesa, and you drink as much as they do,...


Okay, I know this is a little late, but whateva you are getting it now. On October 29th I saw one of the most...