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"It was such a step up on every level."
Hi, what are you looking for?
He's also got a question about his hair.
" Those are threads of a poser shirt!"
"It was such a step up on every level."
"It doesn't sound very musical to me."
Due to "factors out of our control."
"Without any pressure we'll sit down, have a few beers and collect all our ideas."
"I don't think you should be allowed to take someone's money, 'cause you're not playing."
Yes, Bolt Thrower is in there.
They got nearly 80,000 people to the SoFi Stadium.
"And when he was [there], it's like he couldn't be bothered."
"We kind of had our foot in the door in all these different genres."
They couldn't substantiate any of the claims against him.
The hotel shower door exploded. Seriously.
Old man yells at cloud, etc.
That could be cool, right?
There are a lot of text messages.
Get some exclusive swag and support an animal sanctuary!
I dub thee... a Metallica fan.
"Art needs to be created by actual flesh and blood"
"I got that idealism out of the way quickly enough."
There was no preparing for that moment.
"There’s nothing worse than when someone comes into your presence and tries to change you."
"He was keeping time by doing just downstrokes, he practically created a whole genre of doing that."
"I cannot picture AI doing what we do as live musicians, giving the human touch to music"