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Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week



Every Thursday, Gimme Radio Program Director, Brian Turner, delivers the top 5 jaw-dropping tracks on Gimme Radio.

Culled from the week’s past shows, these tracks have the Gimme Radio DJs' seal of approval, have the listeners demanding more and the Gimme office buzzing.

WASTE OF SPACE ORCHESTRA – Wake Up the Possessor


The always-eclectic, genre-challenging Svart label offers up this grand, 10-member collision of Finnish combos Oranssi Pazuzu and Dark Buddha Rising. Swarming sounds cluster around Vesa Ajamo's Diamanda Galas-like vocal flurries before this thing kicks in and looms large.



Unusual in the Black Metal zone, even more unusual that this Swedish unit are only now issuing their debut having formed in 1998. Spurts of sawing guitar blast in and out of atmospheric clang, a plodding tick-tock of looming doom, this track especially harrowing in comparison to the the relative melodic elements of the rest of the LP (just out in February).

BLOODSOAKED NECROVOID – Flesh Divinations for the Ego-Plundered Psyche


CD of the Costa Ricans' two demos compiled onto The Apocryphal Paths Of The Ancient 8th Vitriolic Transcendence. It indeed transcends any subgenre tags of doom, death, etc. to just be a crawling mass of disgust for the human race.

NOCTURNUS AD – Precession of the Equinoxes


Ex-Morbid Angel member Mike Browning alternated monickers between Nocturnus AD and After Death for the last decade or so. At last some recorded material of Nocturnus AD hits on Profound Lore on May 24th with the LP Paradox. A pretty heavy workout of prog-death metal hitting the right marks.

EARTH – Cats On the Briar


Earth have transformed a long way from being purveyors of thick walls of monolithic drone to a much more complex, shifting unit. Dylan Carlson calls this particular track most emblematic of what Earth has meant in it's second phase, a desert-inspired, post-rock inflected sprawl of moody guitar figures and loping drums.

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