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Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

VADER, AKURION Among The Top Tracks of the Week


Gimme Radio Program Director, Brian Turner, delivers the top 5 jaw-dropping tracks on Gimme Radio.

VADER – Shock and Awe

I was indeed thrilled to learn that this Polish band got their name from Darth afterall, but with the sheer power they'd produced over the course of a dozen or so LPs they don't need to hitch any wagons to George Lucas. They've been doing death metal since the 80s, as long as Death and Possessed, have even gone through trash and speed phases. They're still destroying, and the new LP 'Solitude In Madness' hits May 1st on Nuclear Blast, a year after their last EP.


This passed us by last year, but pretty amazing multi-layered dense black metal one-man unit out of Spain who probably didn't get the deserved attention due to the demise of his label. Delirant definitely shares some common turf with neighboring Portugese circles with cognizance of opaque, abstract, opposing elements simmering in this cauldron to emit a heavy blanket of alien atmosphere.

AKURION – Year of the Long Pig

Some Montreal death metal elite, including Mike DiSalvo (Cryptopsy), Oli Pinard (Cattle Decapitation), Tommy McKinnon and Rob Milley of Neuraxis fame. Their latest 'Come Forth To Me' hits in April on Redefining Darkness, and Gimme will be welcoming Mike for a guest DJ spot April 3rd.

SHADOW WITCH – Spear Finger

Creeping out of the Catskills, Shadow Witch evoke Sabbath and Candlemass with some blown-out buzz and slothy grooves that aren't necessarily a long crawl. Nice acoustic flares amidst the distortion, flecks of mellotron, they've got all the right 70s'-inspired moves. Apparently this song is telling kids to watch out for the thing in the woods that's gonna get them if they smoke dope, so consider this a PSA.

ABORTED – Gloom and the Art of Tribulation

From forthcoming April release 'La Grande Masquerade' (Century Media), these Belgians seep death/gore all over the place with this first teaser. Hyperreal blasts of precision brutality, massive and messy, with vocalist Svencho tearing the proceedings up limb from limb. Slated to open for Napalm Death April and May.

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