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The least-worst part of Ozzy Osbourne hosting WWE RAW Last Night

Wrestling is so awful now, its unbearable. I know, I know… some of you are saying "Rob, when was it ever bearable?" Well, it was to me. I was quite the die-hard, but lately it features some of the worst writing and booking imaginable, even by wrestling's low standards. Anyway, I tuned into to RAW last night, with DVR remote in hand to watch Ozzy Osbourne be the guest host, looking for something to bring to you fine Metal Injection junkies this morning. And, the above clip, is honestly, the only part that made me move the muscles in my face to what could be considered a mild smile, perhaps even a chuckle. To set it up, instead of having, you know, actual wrestling matches, the WWE decided to do an impromptu "Raw's Got Talent," a takeoff of Sharon Osbourne's waste of a show, America's Got Talent. And, before you watch the clip, I just want to say: No Homo!

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