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GRUESOME (EXHUMED, POSSESSED, Etc.) Is Streaming A Gore-Ridden New Track

In case you miss Chuck Schuldiner, here's Gruesome!

In case you miss Chuck Schuldiner, here's Gruesome!

Gruesome, consisting of Exhumed guitarist and vocalist Matt Harvey, ex-Malevolent Creation drummer Gus Rios, Possessed guitarist Daniel Gonzalez and Derkéta bassist Robin Mazen, is a self-proclaimed Death worship band. How much do they resembled Death, exactly? I'll let the group's debut track "Hideous" speak for itself.

I suggest turning it up as loud as humanly possible, grabbing your patch-laden vest, a beer and windmilling until you fall over from dizziness. This track slays hard and slays often.


Gruesome will be releasing Savage Land on Apr. 21 via Relapse Records.

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