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Decibel's Clips of the Month

Decibel Clips of the Month – January 2013: Videos from REVOCATION, NILE, HIGH ON FIRE, SEPULTURA

Every month, Decibel scribe Shane Mehling reviews the four videos that appear in the mag under “Decibel’s Clips of the Month at Metal Injection.” This month, watch picks from Revocation, Nile, High on Fire and a classic clip from Sepultura

Revocation – “The Grip Tightens”

I think this is the first video I’ve written about where I pretty much just enjoy it. The band dresses up like elderly men and play at a retirement home—it’s pretty funny and well-done, and there’s only a few gross old people jokes. It’s a great example of a band trying to shred while being lighthearted… which I assume is the opposite of this Nile video.

Nile – “Enduring the Eternal Molestation of Flame”

So, dudes in body paint miming ancient tribal customs while Nile play around some fiery gravel is not awful. It’s just… I mean, say you have 15 minutes to come up with a Nile video—this is exactly what you thought of. All that slo-mo and bones and flaming pig heads and Karl wearing an unnecessarily large ankh you’re visualizing right now? This video read your mind.

High on Fire – “Fertile Green”

Wow, you can really tell this is from the same guy who did that Pig Destroyer “The Diplomat” video, because immediately some manimals are getting blown away with guns in a craggy hellscape. But then it gets way psychedelic and high-concept, and involves the most blatant weed imagery this side of a “Take Me to Your Dealer” blacklight poster. Also, did I mention the enormous naked lady statue with a chia pet vagina? ’Cause that’s in here.

CLASSIC CLIP: Sepultura – “Inner Self”

Oh man, Max is doing the classic wearing his own band’s shirt at his own band’s show while filming a video for a song off the album that he is wearing the shirt of. With the sleeves cut off. Can anyone explain why people do this or why it’s a good idea? I know you got that thing for free, dude, but this is some thrash metal Inception-type shit I just can’t support.

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