The Ongoing Concept is a pretty strange band that covers a lot of ground in its music. In the event you're not familiar, here's one of the group's newer songs titled 'Saloon."
Told you it gets weird. The bottom line is that you can imagine the group uses a lot of different instrumentation in its music, right? So it's kind of absolutely fucking insane that its members are all building their own instruments to record the next record, aptly titled Handmade.
“Well, I don’t want to give the idea that we were dirt-poor growing up but we always were inclined to build the redneck version of things we needed. I built our guitar cabs years ago and people always comment on them. So not too long ago, we were sitting around and just had the idea to really build our new album from the ground up including our instruments.
This process was undoubtedly long and challenging. In the case of building the drums steps included setting axe to pine trees, drying the wood of sap and moisture over long arduous hours, shaping, sanding, and attaching the pieces together, to drilling and installing the hardware to the finished drum. In the case of the guitars different pickups and electronics were soldered on and off to match the tonal aspects for each individual song.”
Right on! Why not, right? Worst comes to worst the instruments sound like garbage and the group goes into the studio with all the regular stuff it normally uses. No love lost, though time was lost… in a fun way it seems. It'll be really, really interesting to see how this turns out!
Teaser #1From Tree to Drumset#Handmade6/16/15
Posted by The Ongoing Concept on Tuesday, April 28, 2015