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The Master is at it again in a fierce battle against Cardinal Syn.
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The Master is at it again in a fierce battle against Cardinal Syn.
New York hardcore at its finest.
He'll be okay, the band says.
They're playing all beer-themed places. Seriously.
They signed to Season of Mist and yes – it's David Vincent.
The ex-band was also ordered to pay Tobias Forge's legal fees.
There is a lot going on in here.
They, uh... didn't. Not even close.
"Fortunately, you can't download a shirt or live experience. I'm sure that will happen soon. Until it does, we still have a job."
Periphery IV: This Time It's Not Periphery I, II Or III.
"And the new release will probably be in February."
It's members of Extol and The Dillinger Escape Plan. Of course it's good.
Memphis May Fire, I Prevail and For Today members too.
"It just felt kind of weird walking around like a 45-year-old Hot Topic kid."
Khemmis and Skinless members together? Sign me up.
All three were over $1,000.
They loved you at your drunkest.
"Update on my solo album: I just received guest solo tracks from Jeff Loomis. They sound ridiculously good!"
"I haven’t forgot my past and I will be working on re recording the studio CDs and releasing them myself!! Why not?"
This is what Corey Taylor knows, not thinks.
East Coast, you're up.
White meaning cowardly in this case.