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BLACK SABBATH's Music Is Not Good For Getting A Bear Out Of A Tree

As some Colorado officials found out the hard way.

Bear Sabbath

If you've ever got a bear on your property that you need to get rid, don't bother blasting Black Sabbath – it doesn't work. At least that's the conclusion rangers with Colorado Parks And Wildlife came to recently.

According to Fox Weather, rangers resorted to blasting Black Sabbath's 1970 hit "Iron Man" at a bear stuck in a tree in a Golden, CO neighborhood near the Colorado School Of Mines. The usage of heavy metal came after rangers tried flying a drone near the animal to get it moving, which obviously didn't work.

"While slightly annoyed by the drone, we decide to use music blasted at the bear," said one of the rangers. Though perhaps even better, one onlooker quipped: "Now, if he starts banging his head, we’ve got a problem."

And don't worry, the bear eventually came down once most of the humans were gone and wandered off. Probably to the nearest record store and dispensary, where it grabbed some old Black Sabbath and a bag of edibles. That bear is cool as fuck now.

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