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"Maybe that was the rationale, but our show has always been so cheap to produce."

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The good news is that the new Metalocalypse movie Metalocalypse: Army Of The Doomstar is finally out after a decade of waiting. The bad...

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"Metallica is a huge influence to the sheer notion of Dethklok and Metalocalypse."


Mr. Salacia wants the Army of the Doomstar destroyed.

Around the Interwebs

Yes, this is a joke.


Welcome to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years past....

This Is Just A Tribute

A massive stroke is to blame, sadly.

Bummer Alert

He is currently unconscious in the hospital.

Injection Reflection

Plus new music from Power Trip and the weirdest ramen commercial ever.

Fuck Yes!

Dethklok is the biggest band in the world, why wouldn't they?

Music Videos

Nekrogoblikon have always been a very visual band, so it's appropriate that they teamed up with a man who knows all too well about...


Brendon goes into detail about the how and why he uses the software on a regular basis!

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