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Search results for "Alarm"


It's pretty amazing that a band like Death Angel, over 20 years into their career, are still delivering killer thrash that make all of...


We're digging the thick riffs of SpiralArms, the California stoner rock group who prove that southern rock can indeed come from California. Although having...


"It’s Inside You is exactly what Candy is shooting for, refreshingly novel and distinct."

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"Pubs are either being closed altogether or are being ripped out so that they become a drinking factory"

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A song dedicated to those who lost their lives to fentanyl.

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"I told you it was bad. Put a sticker on it – it's gonna need it."

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We wish Sixx and his family all the best, of course.


A list for when black metal die-hards fall victims to ennui.


"Despite not taking many steps out of the band's own carefully crafted comfort zone, Death Below is a tree-trunk solid addition to the August...

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It has to do with the World Cup, but it's a much bigger issue.

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The group responds to last week's leaked Supreme Court document.

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