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NEUROSIS Writing New Material; To Enter The Studio In 2011

Neurosis are drone gods. You show me any metal band, and I'll show you the Neurosis shirt at least one of those band members own. When I saw them for the first time at the inaugural Scion Rock Fest, I was completely blown away and fully converted to worship at the altar of Scott Kelly and co. So it excites me that the band is currently in writing mode according to a recent interview with LA Music Blog:

LA Music Blog: In terms of the new release, is there any sort of tentative timeline for when you're looking to put it out?

Scott Kelly: Next year is the tentative time frame.

LA Music Blog: Any specific time next year?

Scott Kelly: It'll be later, I'm sure . . . We're just trying to finish it right now. We're trying to get it to the point where we can step into the studio. And it's getting close, but we have more work to do. Our schedules are pretty ridiculous. We all work regular jobs, so we just have to find time to get together and work on this stuff. The winter is usually a good, creative time for us, so hopefully we'll come out of the winter with the record completed and then we can have a more solid release date in mind.

Neurosis have day jobs? Pretty crazy. I am left wondering if there is any chance the album would be done in time for their headlining slot at next year's Maryland Deathfest.

The entire interview is definitely worth a read as the band discusses why the band doesn't tour too often, why they never put out a live DVD and other topics.

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