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WINDHAND Headed Into the Studio in Seattle

If their past work has been any indication, the doom world is about to receive another monumental offering.

If their past work has been any indication, the doom world is about to receive another monumental offering.

Windhand, the haunting, female-fronted doom group hailing from Richmond, VA have headed into the studio once again to record their third full-length album as a follow up the 2013 skull crusher entitled Soma. The record will be produced in Seattle by Jack Endino, the man responsible for Nirvana's Bleach, and albums by Black Tusk and High on Fire. The new LP will be released through through Relapse in the fall, and the record is rumored to include nine tracks, including the titles "Two Urns," "Hyperion" and "Kingfisher."

According to their Facebook page,

"After next week, we will be flying out to Seattle to record our new record with Jack Endino. We'll be closing up shop before we enter the studio… Thanks!"

After they get out of the studio, they will be hitting the road once again, with a tour date scheduled for May 3rd in Georgia, opening up for Sleep. If their past work has been any indication, the doom world is about to receive another monumental offering.

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