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DEICIDE Begins The Christ-Killing As They Record Their Thirteenth Studio LP

Let the Christ defiling begin.


Death metal heroes Deicide have officially began work on what will be their lucky-number thirteenth studio LP. Both founder Glen Benton and guitarist Taylor Nordberg had been teasing a studio return through most of this spring, and true to their word, here we are. The band's official Instagram account shared a photo of drummer Steve Asheim in the studio, including the following message: "Drum tracking has begun! #jesusisabouttoshithimself"

Last month, Nordberg had posted to his Instagram account a photo during the album's pre-production. Benton also had shed some light on album #13 in an interview with The Garza Podcast this summer, with Benton saying the new  record was written in 2021 and that the band is "getting ready to hammer this deal out right now and get this thing out." As for how it'll sound, Benton credits Asheim for writing material that he feels is both anthemic and progressive.

"The new stuff that we're writing now is really anthem-style stuff. It's really good, man. There's a lot of prog stuff in there, mixed in there. Steve's [Asheim, drums] our prog guy, man; he's the progressive rock guy. He likes to write those really black metal riffs and the progressive stuff. He's an amazing talent, man. He plays piano. He can play sweeps on guitar. He's a drummer. Yeah, he can do it all."

The forthcoming Deicide album will be the band's first since Overtures Of Blasphemy in 2018. Benton has spearheaded the band since its inception in 1987. In that same interviewBenton shared what keeps him going after all this time. "Revenge," he said. "Yeah, success is the best revenge. It's the truth though, man. I mean, I do this because I just love rubbing the salt in the wounds. That's what keeps me going."

The forthcoming Deicide album will be the band's first since Overtures Of Blasphemy in 2018.

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