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Breakups & Shakeups

Ex-DARK TRANQUILLITY Bassist Explains Why He Quit The Band

"To make it very easy to understand, I was done."

Dark Tranquillity

Dark Tranquillity announced back in August that drummer Anders Jivarp and bassist Anders Iwers had quit the band. Now in a lengthy statement on social media, Iwers explained his decision to leave. Iwers said being home during COVID gave him a different perspective on life, and that leaving his family for touring in the future was no longer interesting to him.

"Hello friends. I took some time off from social media after my decision to leave the band was made public. In light of recent social media activities I think I may need to address this matter a little.

"I was not fired from [Dark Tranquillity]. I quit before the summer, but we decided to wait a bit until we posted it officially.

"My decision to leave Dark Tranquillity after six years was not made in haste, or in affect.

These last 18 months or so during the pandemic was rather hard for me, on many levels, and it made me think and reflect really hard on my place in life, and who I really am. I came to the conclusion that who I am is not decided by how many people I get to play in front of. And it is not decided by what or with who I play.

"I will always play. Music is not a choice for me.

"I have known and loved the [Dark Tranquillity]-guys for over 30 years and they are family to me. Yes, we had our differences, musically and personally. Doesn't matter, people are different. I consider them brothers in all but blood. This of course includes Anders Jivarp, who was still in the band when I left. Most of our crew I have known for over ten years. Also family who I would take a bullet for.

"To make it very easy to understand, I was done. In my soul, I did not have the urge anymore. Seeing the touring plans made me realize that I don't want to be away from my family for that long anymore. So when that became clear to me, the decision was easy. And very hard. But inside, I know I made the right call. Though I don't regret a single moment spent with [Dark Tranquillity].

"I will continue to support them. Always."

For their upcoming shows, Dark Tranquillity has recruited bassist Christian Jansson (Grand Cadaver) and drummer Joakim Strandberg-Nilsson (In Mourning, Nonexist).

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