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Search results for "deadbeat"


"You'll be enamored and entirely transported with Nell' Ora Blu. Give it a listen immediately."

Music Videos

New Hampshire metalcore bruisers TrueShot unleash hell on their newest single, "Deadbeat Lullaby". Written for vocalist Richard Janvrin's father, who, when Richard was 10,...


Little pig, little pig, let him in!

Weekly Injection

This edition features lots of collaborations, a three year album gap, a four year album gap, a five year album gap, and more! To...

Music Videos

Also, the album is one of the best albums of 2018. It's true. You know it.

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It'll be packed with harmonies, and likely be amazing.

Full Album Stream

Now available in more than 30 CDr copies.

Upcoming Releases

Finally, Vol. 1 will be available on more than 20 CD-Rs.

Weekly Injection

This week is ridiculous. This edition includes new Iron Maiden, some other stuff that's pretty amazing, but mostly new Iron Maiden. To the metals...

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Well, here's the most evil thing you're going to hear all year.

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